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McCalls’s 9493 Adult Large (38,40) Space, Star Trek Costume Sewing Pattern
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Star Trek Costume Pattern (Simplicity 8028)
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McCall’s Patterns 7374 MQQ,Men’s Costumes,Sizes 46-52, (46-48-50-52)
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Simplicity 4213 Historical Halloween Costume Sewing Pattern for Men and Women by Andrea Schewe, Sizes A (XS-XL)
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Simplicity 8161 Women’s 18th Century Dress Historical Costume Sewing Pattern, Sizes 14-22
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Simplicity 8162 Women’s 18th Century Undergarments Historical Costume Sewing Pattern, Sizes 14-22
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Alice Starmore’s Glamourie (Calla Editions)
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y by McCall’s M2080A50 "Sentinel" Sewing Pattern, A5 (6-8-10-12-14)
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Simplicity Women’s Cape Cosplay and Costume Sewing Patterns, Sizes XS-L
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Simplicity 8769 Women’s Medieval Cosplay and Ren Faire Costume Coat Sewing Pattern, Sizes 6-14
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Simplicity Pattern Costume #S0789 Size 14 – 22
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Simplicity Teen’s and Adult’s Wizard Costume and Ninja Costume Sewing Patterns, Sizes XS-XL
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McCall’s 7422 Black Hooded costume sewing pattern Sizes Sm-XXlrg MP267

Don’t forget to add Tracking only $.59 at checkout! McCall’s 7422 or MP267 factory folded uncut sewing pattern. Adult and teen all sizes, see envelope back for measurement details. A: Lined coat has contrast sleeves with invisible zippers, front and back slits, and center-front seam with invisible zipper. B: Lined surcoat has front and back slits, center-front seam with invisible zipper. C: Hood partially finished with bias tape. Raw edge will show. D: Felt-backed belt has contrast binding and Velcro closure. (see photo for design details) FABRICS: A: Wool. B: Blanket Weave, Cotton. C: Linen, Wool. D: Synthetic Leather. Backing D: Felt. Interfacing 1D: Buckram. Interfacing 2D: Craft Foam. McCalls put out 7422 and P267 the exact same pattern with same picture on envelope but different item numbers. Ships in 24 business hours! THEHALLOWEENTREE
Add Tracking only 59 cents at checkout! RETURN CUSTOMERS GET FREE TRACKING! No need to add tracking if you are returning with the same account, of course, let me know if you are using a different account. BUY 2 OR MORE AND GET FREE TRACKING! Don’t see what you’re looking for? Send me a message telling me which pattern(s) you’re looking for! I love feedback!
Star Trek Sewing Pattern – TNG Skant – The Next Generation Starfleet Uniform (Women’s)

This is a sewing pattern for the women’s TNG-era skant uniform. Patterned directly off an original, screen-used skant we examined, our pattern features authentic vents, interior construction, and double-zipper closures! We’ve also included a conceptual seasons 3-7 version of the skant, with the appropriate yoke and collar styles. Both versions are included in women’s sizes 6-24. The pattern is printed on two large sheets and also includes a printed copy of text-only instructions.
Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan Starfleet Cosplay Costume James Tiberius Kirk Uniform

Star Trek Sewing Pattern – TNG Jumpsuit – The Next Generation Starfleet Uniform (Men’s)

This is a sewing pattern for the men’s TNG-era Starfleet uniform jumpsuits. It includes FOUR versions of the jumpsuit: * Early (seasons 1-2) version * Front-zipping later (seasons 3-7) version * Back-zipping \
Star Trek Sewing Pattern – Starfleet uniform jacket – Deep Space Nine, DS9, First Contact, Nemesis,

This is a sewing pattern for the men’s “captain jacket,” which was first introduced in STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT, seen in several variations throughout the later seasons of DEEP SPACE NINE and VOYAGER,
and stylistically finalized in STAR TREK: NEMESIS. It includes all four “hero” versions of the jacket seen throughout the era (allowing the costumer to construct the version of their choice): the Picard FIRST CONTACT/INSURRECTION version, the Picard NEMESIS version, the Sisko version, and the “Sisko variant” which was only seen in two episodes. This uniform was extensively researched and meticulously drafted to be as screen-accurate in its construction as possible. It includes information about the finished garment’s measurements, all materials required, detailed instructions, and optional pocket placements inside the jacket to make it a more practical garment for public events. Also included is a copy of our FREE in-depth PDF tutorial on CD! This contains a wealth of information not on the printed instructions, including a detailed analysis of the uniform’s construction with accompanying HD images, known sources of the necessary materials (though these can vary from time to time), acceptable “substitute” materials for those on a budget and/or with vegan sensibilities (as the originals were wool), and available dye formulae. The tutorial instructions are accompanied by a multitude of pictures and diagrams, various sewing tips (and other options) along the way, and instructions for how to alter the pattern if necessary to achieve an ideal fit. The pattern is printed on three large sheets and a printed copy of text-only instructions is included in addition to the free tutorial.
Star Trek Sewing Pattern – TNG Jumpsuit – The Next Generation Starfleet Uniform (Women’s)

This is a sewing pattern for the women’s TNG-era Starfleet uniform jumpsuits. It includes FOUR versions of the jumpsuit: * Early (seasons 1-2) version * Front-zipping later (seasons 3-7) version * Back-zipping \
Star Trek Costume and Boots PDF Pattern for your American Girl Doll
