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Learning Mats: Word Families
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Using THE SIOP® MODEL with Pre-K and Kindergarten English Learners (SIOP Series)
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Daily Word Ladders: Grades 4–6: 100 Reproducible Word Study Lessons That Help Kids Boost Reading, Vocabulary, Spelling & P…
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Daily Word Ladders: 80+ Word Study Activities That Target Key Phonics Skills to Boost Young Learners Reading, Writing & S…
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First Time Sewing: The Absolute Beginner’s Guide
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Pitter Pattern
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Math: Patterns/Pattern Blocks

Classroom Math

Hi guys! I’m just popping in to give you a quick update on our classroom happenings and share some freebies! 1. LOOK \u0026 LABEL I got this awesome idea from the Ontario Kindergarten Teachers facebook group (you will have to request to join, as it is a closed group). I love how open-ended it is! I choose 10-12 items, put them in a basket and added the instructions and an alphabet linking chart. This little gal choose the drum and followed the instructions perfectly to draw and label her drawing! The colours even match the drum! #girlaftermyheart You can grab the instruction card for free by clicking on the image below: The alphabet linking chart is from my Step by Step: Kindergarten Writing Plans. You can find it in my TPT store by clicking here. 2. FATHER’S DAY CARDS We always start holiday/special day stuff early so that we are not rushed the week it needs to go home. For Father’s Day this year, we kept the card SUPER simple. I just folded some white cardstock in half and had the kids decorate the front however way they liked. Here is my sample. I made my card for my soon to be father in law, so I drew a picture of him on the cover. For the inside, I gave the students the words to cut out and glue in order. The kids filled out the blanks how they wanted (Recipient’s name, their name). The ones who wanted to also added a sentence or two under \
Classroom ideas

Our new printable teaching packet will help your teach your little-ones to recognize, construct, analyze and predict growing patterns. Growing patterns increase or decrease in predictable and describable ways. You will need standard wooden pattern blocks to create these patterns. Encourage your students to talk about their patterns. Encourage them to use numbers to describe the patterns and how they change. The cards start with some simple patterns and increase in complexity – giving students a chance to make 48 different patterns. You can find these printable activity cards, over in our TpT store: These are the pattern block we use (affiliate link):

Hands on activities and ideas for creating, continuing and exploring patterning in the Prep and Foundation classroom. Copy, continue and create patterns.
pre-k, k, 1st

An engaging, hands on pattern activity with a fun fruit theme. This is excellent for fine motor skill practice as well as reinforcing creating patterns.
Kindergarten here I come!

Use this transportation theme free printable for pattern making or language skills. The repetitive pictures and patterns make great speech therapy tools.
Crochet puppets

Grab these ABC pattern worksheets to teach repeating patterns in preschool and kindergarten. Plus other repeating patterns worksheets, too!