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pattern drafting

Sizing Up Made Easy Do you have a design for one size and body type, but want to make that design pattern available for a whole spectrum of sizes and body types? If your answer is an emphatic yes, our easy pattern grading services are here to help you. Nothing is as crucial to your business than to be able to make your designs as widely available to every person who wants to buy and wear what you have created. Unless you have the right mix of experience and technology at your disposal, grading done right and on a large scale might be out of your reach. You don’t have to be an expert at everything…so let us take care of your pattern grading and pattern resizing needs. We can take any particular design you have – for any shirt, pants, skirts, dresses, and even bikinis – and make it available for all sizes and body types. That saves you a lot of hassle, time and money. We’ve been helping satisfied customers in the apparel garment industry for more than 25 years, and counting, with pattern grading services, among other things. And we are looking forward to helping you grade up or grade down, following the appropriate grade rules for any and all patterns and designs that you and your clients might have. We’d love to get started on your pattern grading order as soon as possible. All you have to do is submit your pattern resizing project to us any time of the day and week, from anywhere in the world. Just click the Get Started Now button below…and we’ll get started working on your order right here in Los Angeles, California. [Get Started Now] Pattern Grading Explained Making a sample size for a dress is the easy part. The challenge is making it so the dress style and fit are the same for all sizes and shapes of bodies. Of course, you want the dress to have the same style and fit no matter who is wearing it. Pattern grading is the technique of making sure that dress looks right whether it is in size 1 on a slim body or size 16 on a fuller plus-size body type. Pattern grading takes a base size or sample size – typically a size 6 – and translates the pattern into various sizes using a size specification sheet or grading increments. “Increments” are referred to as garment grading rules. The bottom line is that pattern grading has become a bit of a lost art. A skilled grader – that’s us – sees and understands the nuances of a particular garment with an understanding of how it should look on all shapes and sizes…and grades the garment accordingly. If it isn’t done right, your apparel won’t look right. Whether you fully understand the art and science of grading, we’ll get it done right for you…every time. [Let The Experts Take Care Of Your Pattern Grading Needs Today] The Importance Of Grading And Resizing To The Apparel Industry Design is but one aspect of bringing garments and apparel to production. Pattern grading and pattern resizing are key in the textile and apparel industry. In fact, pattern grading and pattern resizing are what made the commercial pattern printing industry possible in the first place. Pattern grading is what makes it possible for more than one
size of a design to be duplicated while maintaining the original design, dimensions, shape, fit, balance, and style of say a particular bikini top. Apparel designs without pattern grading, up and down, is pointless, unless everybody just happened to be the same size and shape. [Get Professional Graded Patterns From The Experts Today] The Indispensable Benefits Of Pattern Grading Your Designs If your aim is to make your garment designs available to as many people as possible, then you can’t afford not to grade your patterns. Pattern grading promises to – Make sure your garments will fit the size market you are targeting…ensuring that any garment retains its theme and design across all body types and sizes Provide more options for people with bigger body measurements…because not all garments have a perfect fit going up without proper grading Ensure every design that you create will fit every type of body…making it simple and cheaper to produce designs for large swaths of potential customers [Making Your Designs More Widely Available And Affordable Right Here] Do I Grade Or Alter A Pattern? What’s The Difference? Excellent questions! To answer, let us ask this: Who is your design supposed to fit? Is it a bespoke garment for a particular customer? Or is it as many people as possible in a specific demographic and market space? If your goal is to target as many people as possible to sell your designs to then grading is essential. If you are custom designing for an individual, then you will merely be required to alter, or resize, your design and patterns to fit as necessary. Garment pattern grading focuses on increasing or decreasing the size of your garment pattern to fit all types of shapes and sizes of people. Garment pattern alteration – or pattern resizing – is used to fit a garment to one person’s body type, figure, and shape. T-Shirts and Shirts Pattern Grading Let us grade you t-shirt and shirt patterns. You can rest easy knowing that every t-shirt pattern design we grade will maintain the correct fit, shape, balance, and scale across all body types and sizes of the original design. We can take the headache out of pattern grading for any kind of top, t-shirt or hoodie design you can think up. All you do is provide us with your shirt design, and we’ll do the rest – grading shirts to multiple sizes and shirts digitizing is our business. Click below so we can get started with your shirt grading order…right away. [Shirt And Top Grading Made Easy And Affordable Right Here] Pants Pattern Grading Eliminate the chances of error in sizes. Make sure your pants designs are scaled correctly to fit everybody who would want to wear them. Your business depends on it. We’ll be happy to get you up to speed on the grading rules and measurements we’ll need to make it so you can mass produce – to specification – all sizes and shapes of pants for all shapes and sizes of customers. Good design is half of it. Good fitting garments is the other part that will keep customers wanting to buy the same brand year after year. By employing grading rules, and considering the waist-hip circumference and length, any pant can be scaled to grade up and grade down for all your market. [Get Started With Pants And Shorts Pattern Grading] Skirts Pattern Grading By skirt grading, we mean the measurement of the skirt pattern in proportion to the actual size. By properly grading a skirt – whether increasing or decreasing the size – the style, look and aesthetic feel of the skirt remains the same. A skirt that has been correctly graded will be instantly recognizable by its design on a size 4 or a size 8 – or at any other size for that matter. Nothing will be lost in translation, so to speak. Maybe you have a skirt design that needs to be updated to agree with current fashion trends. That means an alteration is in order. With the alteration complete, then the design is ready to grade up and grade down as required. Thus, your design can be adapted to change with demand, but retain its original look. [Easy Skirts Grading Starts Here] Dresses Pattern Grading As with all other types of garments, we provide services grading dresses of any style. We’ll take your design, and with a little input from you, our pattern graders can generate all the patterns you and the market need to fill out all retail orders. You can count on us to hit the proportions just right through the correct use of grading rules. You can trust that the graded patterns and proportions will be resized perfectly. [Quick Dresses Grading Solutions Are Ready for You] Bikinis Pattern Grading So, you have designed the next eye-popping bikini set that is ready to take the beach and poolside apparel industry by storm. What now? You need to get it graded – resized for all shapes and dimensions. Grading bikinis is a big part of our business. Grading your bikini design will make it so the pattern is uniformly increased or decreased in size. We can grade up a bikini in parts, and grade down in others as required to deliver the perfect fit for the right person. Whether you want to make your awesome bikini pattern graded up or down – maybe both – and create your own personal line of bikini clothing…you cannot look past grading your pattern. We’ll make sure that your bikini design and pattern retains an ideal fit and shape at all sizes. With multiple sizes imbued with the right shape, fit, balance, style, and details, you’ll be ready to take your bikini business to the next level. And we can make that happen for you. All you have to do is click below. [I’m Ready To Grade My Bikini And Swimsuit Patterns Today] Please be sure to check out all the other services we offer like, Pattern Making, Marker Making, Pattern Digitizing, Marker Plotting, and DXF Converting, Pattern Alterations, and Business Strategy Consultation…all necessary components to a successful apparel and garment business. What makes us the best go-to resource for all of your garment- apparel needs? We’re are an all-inclusive garment business platform – a one-stop shop! There’s no need to be dashing around, trying to coordinate multiple garment and apparel services. We’ll save you money and time. Our services are specifically tailored for those who want to bring a design to production but don’t have the huge budget to pay a bunch of salaries reaching into the thousands of dollars. We have all the tools and technology right here at your disposal to get your fashion products developed and out into the world. Other businesses similar to ours offer static, one-size-fits-all services. Our services and products are designed and developed with the specific, individual needs of our customers in mind. You can count on us to deliver personalized attention to hone in on your particular garment and apparel needs, pre-production and beyond… Looking for more tools to grow your business? ☷ BROWSE ALL SERVICES


Melly Sews

PDF pattern drafting lessons and digitizing services

[MORE PATTERN DIGITIZING OPTIONS] Need to cut out your paper traced off pattern pieces before feeding them into our scanner? no problem, We provide paper pattern cutting services and can cut out all your pattern pieces before the scanning process. Simply add this service to your digitizing and we will cut out all your pattern pieces for you
. Pattern Digitizing Disclaimer: This service is provided for designs or patterns that are a copy of your original design only. If your pattern(s) needs to be cut out or are already cut out we will digitize them all and destroy all pattern pieces after the digitizing process is finished by using our industrial paper shredder. This process will save you money by not having us to FedEx back your patterns and pay for handling and shipping. Important: You must have your original pattern with you and you must just send to us a paper pattern copy only. We will not be responsible if you sent to us your original pattern to be digitized.

PDF Book ~ Instant Digital Download – Download it direct to your computer for reading or to print out. PARISIAN LADIES TAILORING 87 Pages of Patterns and Designs. Paris Art Deco era circa 1917 Period Garment Patterns. Make Your Own Patterns Designing, Pattern Cutting, Fitting and Making A MEANS OF SELF EDUCATION Over 100 Explanatory Drawings in Text, Patterns and Grading Instruction for Professional Designers By A. Z. ZEISLER If you have any interest in Dress Designing or Period Costumes then this is a great pattern book to have in your collection. The original edition of this Rare Pattern Book was printed in 1917 ****====================================================**** My Personal 100% Guarantee To You If you Buy this Book and after reading it, You feel that You did not get Your Money’s worth from it, Message me and I will cancel your purchase and Refund Your Money. And You Can Keep The Book as My Personal Gift To You. ****====================================================**** Preface Every woman’s ambition is to be at least as perfectly gowned as her neighbor. The secret of correct gowning lies in the correct fit of the garment to the individual figure of the wearer. We know that the styles change frequently from season to season, but we must bear in mind that the underlying principle is the \