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Learning Activities for Kids

Pattern activities are used to teach kids the math skills of identifying and creating patterns. Keep kids engaged and having fun as they learn.
Task cards

Math Activities | Tacky the Teacher

Friends, we are so thrilled to release Math Pack 39. There are only a few more packs to go until we round of the packs that focus on first grade and we will start plans for some more advanced packs that target skills perfect for 2nd grade. Math Pack 39 helps you teach your students to order and sequence numbers to 100, using their knowledge of place value. Our Math Packs include 5 activities that are engaging and easy to prep! This collection will help students learning to: compare numbers to find the greatest position, compare and sequence numbers on a hundred chart become familiar with the pattern of numbers on a hundred chart when they skip count by 2, 5 and 10 sequence numbers in a 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less arrangement skip count backwards by 2, 5 and 10 to explore the position of numbers in a backwards skip count Each of the 5 small-group activities has: detailed instructions playing cards/boards/templates a worksheet (either a recording worksheet or a fun-follow-up) a cover page to help you organize your resources for future reference The activities included in this bundle are: Biggest Number Bus Students will compare and identify the greatest 2 digit number in a selection of 3 numbers. They will look at the 3 numbers on a bus card and use their knowledge of place value to clip or circle the biggest number. Extend your capable learners by asking them to build this number with concrete materials. Challenge advanced learners to find the difference between this number and 100. Robot Place Students will make a 2 digit number and locate its position on a blank 100 chart. They will spin a 2 digit number using a paper clip and pencil and then locate the position on the blank chart. Alternatively you could laminate the board and ask them to write the number with a dry erase marker. Skip Pattern Students will make a pattern of numbers on a hundreds chart by counting by 2, 5 or 10. They will place number tiles over the squares on the chart to show a pattern. As they do this, a base for complex understandings of number patterns and sequence of skips will form as they notice the position of a count and the other numbers around it. This is an awareness that needs to develop and form within a child’s understanding, so providing lots of activities to experience pattern making, rather than just talking about it or explaining it to them, is perfect for a little learner. We have charts for skip counting by 2, 5 and 10. Sequence Kids Students will sequence numbers in a 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less arrangement with these cuties. They will have a kid bas
e board, place a number on and identify the numbers around it. Count Back Cats Students will count backwards by 2, 5 or 10 from a variety of starting positions in Count Back Cats. Using a dry erase marker they will write the sequence down the cat strip. These activities can be used in a structured game rotation program, as math centers or in guided math. Once taught, they also make fantastic ‘fast-finisher’ activities for revision of key concepts. Backward Skip Counting Math Craft We have made a craft that perfectly accompanies the Count Back Cat activity in Math Pack 39. Better yet, it is free today! Your little ones can cut and glue their cat together and then write their numbers on! Hop over to our TpT store to find it! We’d love to see your cat displays on social media, tag us so we can love on them!
Making Math Fun for Kids

Keep on reading to discover activities to do with the hundred chart, as well as download a free printable hundred pattern book! Follow our Math for Kids Pinterest board! Benefits of a Hundred Board Exposing children to hundred charts at an early age can be so beneficial. Not only can a hundred board serve as a math resource for younger …
Teacher \u0026 Classroom Curriculum..

Pattern recognition is the mental skill mostly correlated with intelligence. Try these activities that support advanced pattern recognition skills.

Teach your patterning unit without the need for boring worksheets. Yes you can teach patterns for grade 1 with pattern activities and some pattern worksheets for grade one. Pattern activities for Kindergarten and pattern activities for first grade will keep you students happy and learning.