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Singapore Math Challenge Workbook—Grades 5-8 Patterns, Sequence, Prime Numbers, Equations, Fractions, Percentage, Square N…
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Symmetry and Tessellations (Investigating Patterns, Grades 5-8)
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Daily Word Ladders: Grades 4–6: 100 Reproducible Word Study Lessons That Help Kids Boost Reading, Vocabulary, Spelling & P…
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Patterns of Power, Grades 6–8: Inviting Adolescent Writers into the Conventions of Language
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Patterns of Power: Inviting Young Writers into the Conventions of Language, Grades 1-5
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180 Days of Spelling and Word Study: Grade 6 – Daily Spelling Workbook for Classroom and Home, Cool and Fun Practice, Elem…
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Patterns of Wonder: Inviting Emergent Writers to Play with the Conventions of Language
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Logic Puzzles for Kids Ages 4-8: A Fun Educational Workbook To Practice Critical Thinking, Recognize Patterns, Sequences, …
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Logic Puzzles for Clever Kids: Fun brain games for ages 4 & up
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My First Book of Pencil Control : Practice Pattern Writing (Full Color Pages)
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School Zone – Sight Word Fun Workbook – 64 Pages, Ages 6 to 7, 1st Grade, Word Recognition, Spelling, Letter Sounds, Conte…
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Educacion matematicas

School Ideas: Math

Patterns and Relationships Unit Plan for Ontario Grade 6 Mathematics Curriculum. Patterns and Relationships unit includes a culminating activity \u0026 videos.

6th Grade Patterned Tree Designs I found inspiration for this lesson on Pinterest. The pictures were by T. R. Mack and Amy Giacomelli…
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This resource is for the Grade 6 ALGEBRA strand of Patterns and Relationships AND Equalities and Inequalities. ***This resource is meant to be used with my Grade 6 Patterns \u0026 Equations Unit but can also be used separately.*** Do you need summative assessments for the NEW Ontario Math Curriculum? This NO-PREP, PDF and editable resource is what you need! This resource contains summative assessments for your students to apply what they have learned in the Patterns and Relationships AND Equations and Inequalities strands. This package contains 2 assessments: a Mid-Chapter Quiz and a Unit Test. The assessments come in PDF AND as an editable Google Slide for you to differentiate and modify when needed – we also know how much student engagement increases when students read their own names on assessments! Assessments touch upon all 4 levels of assessment: Knowledge \u0026 Understanding, Thinking, Communication, and Application questions. Finally, a BONUS feature is included! This resource includes a unique ©MyCalltoTeach Grade 6 Math Curriculum Tracker template and UNIQUE Patterns \u0026 Equations badge of completion. Students keep a copy of the tracker in their notebooks at the beginning of the year. As they complete each unit and its assessments, the student receives a unique completion badge. Collect them all and that means the student has completed the entire Grade 6 Math Curriculum! What’s Included: 1 PDF Patterns \u0026 Equations Mid-Chapter Quiz (3 pages, 6 questions) 1 PDF Patterns \u0026 Equations Mid-Chapter Quiz ANSWERS 1 PDF Patterns \u0026 Equations Test (4 pages, 11 questions) 1 PDF Patterns \u0026 EquationsTest ANSWERS 1 EDITABLE Google Slide Patterns \u0026 Equations Mid-Chapter Quiz 1 EDITABLE Google Slide Patterns \u0026 Equations Test BONUS: ©MyCalltoTeach Grade 6 Curriculum Tracker BONUS: ©MyCalltoTeach Grade 6 UNIQUE Patterns \u0026 Equations Completion Badge Expectations covered: C1.1 identify and describe repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns, including patterns found in real-life contexts, and specify which growing patterns are linear C1.2 create and translate repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns using various representations, including tables of values, graphs, and, for linear growing patterns, algebraic expressions and equations C1.3 determine pattern rules and use them to extend patterns, make and justify predictions, and identify missing elements in repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns, and use algebraic representations
of the pattern rules to solve for unknown values in linear growing patterns C2.1 add monomials with a degree of 1 that involve whole numbers, using tools C2.2 evaluate algebraic expressions that involve whole numbers and decimal tenths C2.3 solve equations that involve multiple terms and whole numbers in various contexts, and verify solutions C2.4 solve inequalities that involve two operations and whole numbers up to 100, and verify and graph the solutions \

Anchor Charts – Math

We are finishing up our patterns and coordinate graphing unit! My kids had so much fun with this one, especially coming up with their own patterns. They love to really push the limits and think outside the box when creating their patterns. We began the unit with patterns and function tables. We did both shape … Read more
Grade 4