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PDF Book ~ Instant Digital Download. Download it direct to your computer for reading or printing. Victorian Garment Patterns 102 Pages of Patterns and Designs to print out and use. Victorian era circa 1888 Period Garment Patterns. 59 Patterns and all beautifully illustrated, a valuable reference resource for anyone interested in recreating authentic Victorian period clothing for theatre, costume parties or someone who wants to study the dressmaking methods and fashion trends of the Victorian era. If you have any interest in Dress Designing or Period Costumes then this is a great pattern book to have in your collection. The original edition of this Rare Pattern Book was printed in 1888 ****============================**** Review: Nicola Power on Apr 19, 2017 5 out of 5 stars Great reference for historical patterns. Shows just how those Victorians got the fabric to ‘bustle’. Thank you. ****============================**** Joanna Pal on Nov 23, 2016 5 out of 5 stars Fantastic book ,it was very very helpful. Thank you very much. ****============================**** Ruth Bryant on Sep 20, 2016 5 out of 5 stars Wow! This is awesome compilation of such a variety of Victorian patterns. I have basic patterns which are fitted to my dolls. This documentation will provide endless variation possibilities. ****====================================================**** This book is also available in one of our 5 x Book Discount Collection Sets for $9.99 Here: Victorian Dress Pattern Books Collection #2 https://www.etsy.com/listing/239367243/new-collection-of-5-x-rare-victorian ****====================================================**** My Personal 100% Guarantee To You If you Buy this Book and after reading it, You feel that You did not get Your Money’s worth from it, Message me and I will cancel your purchase and Refund Your Money. And You Can Keep The Book as My Personal Gift To You. ****====================================================**** Patterns included are: LADIES’ BASQUE. LADIES’ COSTUME #1 GIRL’S COSTUME #1. MISSES’ WALKING COSTUME. LADIES’ COSTUME #2 GIRLS’ GABRIELLE WITH BOX PLAITED SKIRT MISSES’ STREET COSTUME BOX PLAITED SKIRT LADIES OPEN DRAWERS CHILD’S COSTUME #1 LADIES COSTUME #3 LITTLE GIRL’S DRESS GIRLS’ PLAITED WAIST AND SKIRT LADIES TEA GOWN LADIES POLONAISE #1 MISSES’ COSTUME BOYS’ PLAIN WAIST AND PANTS LADIES WRAP #1 LADIES COSTUME #4 LADIES’ SKIRT WITH REEDS CHILD’S COSTUME #2 LADIES COSTUME #5 LADIES’ KITCHEN APRON LADIES CUTAWAY JACKET LADIES MORNING DRESS CHILD’S CLOAK INFANTS’ HIGH NECK DRESS LADIES POLONAISE #2 CHILD’S COSTUME #3 GIRL’S COSTUME #2 LADIES’ STREET JACKET CHILD’S COSTUME #4 CHILD’S CLOAK #1 GIRLS’ APRON LADIES’ NEWMARKET WITH CAPE LADIES’ NEWMARKET LADIES WRAP #2 LADIES STREET COSTUME #1 CHILD’S APRON CHILD’S STREET COSTUME #1 LADIES’ SPENCER WAIST LADIES’ SHORT WRAP CHILD’S CLOAK #2 CHILD’S COSTUME #5 LADIES’ CHEMISE CHILD’S COMBINATION UNDERGARMENT LADIES STREET COSTUME #2 LADIES WRAP #3 CHILD’S STREET COSTUME #2 LADIES’ COMBINATION UNDERGARMENT BOYS’ SUIT MEN’S OVERALLS WITH APRON BOYS’ OVERCOAT #1 BOYS’ STREET COSTUME BOYS’ COSTUME GENTLEMAN’S PRINCE ALBERT COAT CHILD’S COSTUME #6 BOYS’ OVERCOAT #2 GENTLEMAN’S OVERCOAT ====================================== This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Rare Books Recycled Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive selection of rare historical books, we have chosen to Digitize this title even t
hough it may possibly have occasional imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other Digitizing issues beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting, preserving and promoting the world’s rare works of literature that would not normally be available. ====================================== This Book is intended for education and informational purposes only. Our modification and restoration process of this book, has resulted in our creating a new work (restored or annotated or improved work), that gives us a clear and novated copyright to this modified version. ====================================== Please note. This ebook is in PDF. file format. You can read it on your iPad or Tablet with iBooks. You can read it on your computer with Adobe Acrobat Reader If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in your computer, you can download it from Adobe. It’s completely FREE. ====================================== Shipping is FREE via Instant Digital Delivery: This is a digital item. Once Payment is received, your book will be available in your etsy purchases to download directly to your iPad, Tablet or computer.
Artsy Fartsy Things

PDF Book ~ Instant Digital Download – 86 Patterns and all beautifully illustrated. Download it direct to your iPad, tablet or computer for reading instantly. Victorian Costume Patterns 177 Pages of Patterns and Designs to print out and use. Victorian era circa 1895 Period Costume Patterns for cutting a ladies’ complete wardrobe, including, undergarments, night gowns, street costumes, house dresses, princess evening gowns and more… Plus Patterns for Mens Suits and Boys and Girls garments. 86 Patterns and all beautifully illustrated, a valuable reference resource for anyone interested in recreating authentic Victorian period clothing for theatre, costume parties or someone who wants to study the dressmaking methods and fashion trends of the Victorian era. If you have any interest in Dress Designing or Period Costumes then this is a great pattern book to have in your collection. The original edition of this Rare Pattern Book was printed in 1895 *****REVIEWS From Customers of This Book***** Greta on Jul 1, 2016 5 out of 5 stars Really an amazing book! I’ve found it very interesting! *** 5 stars – What a great book! This could result in some wonderful dresses! 5 stars – Veramente molto interessante, spiegato passo passo per creare il vero abito Vittoriano. It’s great pattern design for make dress. 5 stars – I liked the fact that is was a downloadable pdf that I could have easily. It was so straight forward to do. 5 stars – Many thanks for this book! It is exactly what I needed. And thanks for the easy way to get. 5 stars – Sister loves the pattern I got her for Christmas! 5 stars – Great deal and resource for historical dress making or good way to pass the time looking at Victorian clothes. 5 stars – Great book with a wonderful pattern selection. ****====================================================**** This book is also available in one of our 5 x Book Discount Collection Sets Here: Victorian Dress Pattern Books Collection #3 https://www.etsy.com/listing/239482562/best-selling-collection-of-5-x-rare ****====================================================**** My Personal 100% Guarantee To You If you Buy this Book and after reading it, You feel that You did not get Your Money’s worth from it, Message me and I will cancel your purchase and Refund Your Money. And You Can Keep The Book as My Personal Gift To You. ****====================================================**** Patterns included are: 15 x Patterns for Ladies Street Costume 8 x Patterns for Ladies Costume 9 x Patterns for Girls Street Costume 2 x Patterns for Ladies House Dress 2 x Patterns for Ladies Princess Gown 2 x patterns for Ladies Capes 2 x Patterns for Stout Ladies Costume 2 x Patterns for Girls Apron PLUS… Ladies Bicycle Costume Ladies Skirt Ladies House Gown Morning Wrapper Ladies Drawers Ladies Seamless costume Ladies Night Gown Ladies Long Wrap Ladies Riding Habit Ladies Kitchen Apron Ladies Mourning Costume Ladies Combination Undergarment Stout Ladies Princess Dress Girls’ costume Misses Evening Gown Misses Princess Dress Girls Wrap Misses Wrapper Young Misses Dress Infants Mother Hubbard Dress Childs Drawers Childs Combination Undergarment 4 Patterns for Boys’ Suit 2 Patterns for Boys Costume Boys sack coat Boys Pleated Waist and Kilt Skirt Boys Sack Shirt Boy’s Blouse Waist Boys Sailor Suit Boys Street Costume Boys Overcoat Boys Shirt Waist and Knee Pants 2 Patterns for Gentlemen’s Overcoat Gentlemen’s Suit Gentlemen’s Double Breasted Sack Coat Gentlemen’s Dressing Gown Gentlemen’s Night Shirt Gentlemen’s Overalls Mens Overalls, with Apron ====================================== This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Rare Books Recycled Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive selection of rare historical books, we have chosen to Digitize this title even though it may possibly have occasional imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other Digitizing issues beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting, preserving and promoting the world’s rare works of literature that would not normally be available. ====================================== This Book is intended for education and informational purposes only. Our modification and restoration process of this book, has resulted in our creating a new work (restored or annotated or improved work), that gives us a clear and novated copyright to this modified version. ====================================== Please note. This ebook is in PDF. file format. You can read it on your iPad or Tablet with iBooks. You can read it on your computer with Adobe Acrobat Reader If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in your computer, you can download it from Adobe. It’s completely FREE. ====================================== Shipping is FREE via Instant Digital Delivery: This is a digital item. Once Payment is received, your book will be available in your etsy purchases to download directly to your iPad, Tablet or Computer.

If you loved our Ruby dress, you will adore Lucille. It features a cleavage enhancing pleated cross-over bodice, and the choice of either a fit ‘n’ flare half circle skirt, or a sexy fitted pencil skirt. This iconic design is destined for your wardrobe! With simple construction and an online tutorials for most of our patterns to help you through (see our website for video and photo tutorials) www.simplesewpatterns. We also have tutorials for many sewing techniques you can refer to for other projects you may be working on. We would love to see your photos of your finished dresses, so be sure to email them over to us! If you need any other help or have any questions head over to our site and contact us on our webform, we are always here to help. Your PDF is for A4 size paper and comes with full instructions, envelope front and back and a test square on the pattern. Set your printer to ‘actual size’ not ‘scale to fit’ and set at 100%. Measure your test square so that you can be sure you are printing to scale. There are lots of tutorials on our site so please visit us there if you get stuck, we are here to help you on your sewing journey! Have fun and thank you for supporting our patterns! x

PDF SEWING PATTERN A4 print size 8 uk/ 34 eu: cowl drape neck cami dress with spaghetti straps. 1cm seam allowances are included. Cut fabric on the bias according to grain line marks on the pattern. Required amount of fabric for all sizes: 2 meters for a standard fabric width (not less of 140cm). Level: Suitable for intermediates with dressmaking experience including attaching a facing, making spaghetti straps, cutting fabric on the bias. Featuring a deep cowl neckline and spaghetti straps. Suitable for lightweight non-stretch fabrics such as silk, satin and crepe. Instructions about printing the pattern at home on A4/US Letter paper are included. Step by step sewing instructions with photos are included (10 pages). If you usually upgrade to another size at hips line, choose this pattern by your bust measurements only – as the pattern is cut on the bias, the hip line becomes very stretchy. Please refer to this video tutorial on how to make spaghetti straps if needed: https://tinyurl.com/y5qvydgk Every pattern takes me more than one month to research, design, draft and test it. I would appreciate if you add a picture of your finished garment in your feedback. Happy sewing!
Sewing, knitting, and crochet.

*This is a PDF Digital Pattern* This is a dress/pinafore pattern of mine that is extremely versatile! It can be anything from Cottage Core to Vintage Inspired to Modern Corporate. The pattern features a plunging V neck down to the peaked waistband, a dramatic circle skirt in two customizable lengths, and pockets so deep they rival most purses. It is fully lined, can be made in a wide variety of fabrics, and can have any type of sleeve added This Digital PDF pattern is comprised of 6 pieces and is available in sizes S, M, L, XL, 2XL, and 3XL and comes with a full downloadable set of cutting and sewing instructions
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This is a milkmaid digital pattern dress, a cottagecore dress inspired by the trending dress of House of CB. Milkmaid dress pattern includes 3 PDF files: -Milkmaid dress pattern printable in A4 – Milkmaid dress pattern printable in A0 – Book Of Instructions. Pattern Sizes: The pattern include 7 sizes XXS to XXL, 34-36 – 38 – 40 – 42- 44-46 Europe size, (4- 6 -8 -10 -12 -14-16 US size), (6-8 -10 -12- 14-16-18 UK size) 1.5cm/ 0.6 inch Seam allowances included. Pattern file designed with layers. There is an option to print only your size, few or all sizes if necessary, choosing them in Adobe Acrobat (keep always legend layer) . This pattern is a medium sewing level pattern, requires some sewing experience . What fabric to use better? I used Woven Fabric. This is a digital product and not a physical item will be delivered to you. It is available for download after purchasing and no physical copy will be shipped to you Enjoy!

Inspired by the crisp but sweet femininity, this bishop-sleeved, ruffled Margot dress is a flattering design that will put a smile on your face. MARGOT Ruffled Dress PDF Digital Sewing Pattern for Women Sizes US 2-20 After your purchase you will receive: an instructional ebook, the pattern in 10 sizes and 2 formats, A4/Letter and A0 copyshop, and the video tutorial. Design: Flowy dress with 2 ruffle layers Loose silhouette Above knee-length V-neckline 3/4 bishop sleeves Front button closure Model details: 153 cm wearing size S Materials: 1.5-2.7 m lightweight woven fabric 1 meter 1 cm wide elastic Thread, scissors, sewing machine