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Decorative Decoy Carver’s Ultimate Painting & Pattern Portfolio, Revised Edition (Fox Chapel Publishing) Drakes & Hens for…
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Duck Decoys: Classic Carving Projects Made Easy (Fox Chapel Publishing) Carve a Traditional Mallard Drake from Start-to-Fi…
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Decoy Pattern Book
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20 Classic Decorative Decoy Carving Patterns Puddle Duck Pairs
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Decorative Decoy Carvers Ultimate Painting & Pattern Portfolio – Series One
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Freshwater Fish Carving (Schiffer Book for Carvers)
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Carving Duck Decoys (Dover Woodworking)
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Wildlife Carving in Relief, Second Edition Revised and Expanded: Carving Techniques and Patterns (Fox Chapel Publishing) 3…
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Making Decoys: The Century-Old Way
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Carving Fish Decoys
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Decoy Carving Techniques for the Intermediate Carver
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Wood Stuff to Make – Toys

I start with a piece of wood or cork. In this demo, I am using a piece of white cedar. I have already jointed and planed this block to ensure it is flat and square. This step is critical. While cutting out the blank on the bandsaw, any imperfection will be magnifed the thicker and wider the block.
Bird carving

Dover Woodworking: The Beginner’s Handbook of Woodcarving : With Project Patterns for Line Carving, Relief Carving, Carving in the Round, and Bird Carving (Paperback)

In this wonderful resource for both novice and veteran carvers, two masters of the craft present detailed instructions and illustrations on how to confidently carve animals, flowers, figures, and more. An excellent book for all carvers. — The Mallet A woodcarver is one who can take a scrap of wood, breathe life into it with patient, skilled hands, and make it a warm object of lasting beauty. That is creativity, say award-winning craftsmen Beiderman and Johnston in this well-organized and highly instructive guidebook that tells you everything you need to know to create attractive woodcarvings. Especially written for the novice, it shows how to produce realistic animals, flowers, and humorous figures in a variety of forms: in the round, in relief, and as line carvings. A wide spectrum of more than 60 project patterns offers practical plans and ideas for carvers at all levels of expertise. The authors provide a detailed yet easy-to-follow introduction to carving tools and how to use them. There are also helpful hints to guide beginning carvers through difficult stages of carving, and expert advice on painting and finishing, woodcarving as gifts, how to exhibit and enter carvings in competition, and much more. You’ll even find a whole chapter devoted to carving birds. Abundantly illustrated with over 200 photographs and detailed line drawings, this first paperback edition of The Beginner’s Handbook of Woodcarving will be welcomed by any would-be woodcarver seeking a thorough, reliable, and crystal-clear introduction to the age-old art of carving wood. Especially written for the novice, \

I start with a piece of wood or cork. In this demo, I am using a piece of white cedar. I have already jointed and planed this block to ensure it is flat and square. This step is critical. While cutting out the blank on the bandsaw, any imperfection will be magnifed the thicker and wider the block.

Here’s where I start rounding and rough carving the body. At this point, the body blank has been cut out and is ready to start getting shaped. I use measurements from both the pattern I used for this decoy, and Pat Godin’s decoy pattern book. I use these cheap calipers a lot while carving a decoy.
Blue Ribbon Pattern Series: Full Size Decorative Decoy

Get your hands on a book chock full of winning carving patterns in this installment of the Blue Ribbon Pattern Series.
10 Wire and Canvas Decoy Patterns for Carvers

Look inside this book and learn to create authentic wire and canvas decoys.