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Computer-Aided Pattern Design and Product Development
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Metric Pattern Cutting for Menswear Including Unisex Clothes and Computer Aided Design: Third Edition
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OpenSCAD Cookbook: OpenSCAD Recipes for learning 3D modeling (Computer-aided 3D Design, Modeling and Printing – using Pyth…
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Python for 3D Printing: Using Python to enhance the power of OpenSCAD for 3D modeling (Computer-aided 3D Design, Modeling …
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Design for How People Learn (Voices That Matter)
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3D Printing and Maker Lab for Kids: Create Amazing Projects with CAD Design and STEAM Ideas (Volume 22) (Lab for Kids, 22)
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Design for 3D Printing: Scanning, Creating, Editing, Remixing, and Making in Three Dimensions
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4.1 out of 5 Based on the opinion of 30 people
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Patternmaking and Grading Using Gerber’s AccuMark Pattern Design Software
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SystemVerilog for Design Second Edition: A Guide to Using SystemVerilog for Hardware Design and Modeling
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QCAD – An Introduction to Computer-Aided Design
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Assessing Model-Based Reasoning using Evidence- Centered Design: A Suite of Research-Based Design Patterns (SpringerBriefs…
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Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (What’s New in Ed Psych / Tests & Measurements)
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Fashion Design

Fashion Designing Subjects

Fashion Design BA (Hons) at De Montfort University (DMU) is a creative, dynamic course that develops skills to turn ideas and designs into original and innovative garments. On this course, students specialise in menswear, womenswear and/or fashion knitwear, and study a range of topics including fashion illustration, innovative concept development, pattern cutting and computer-aided design (CAD) for fashion and design development – preparing you for a career in a creative multibillion-pound industry. This brochure celebrates the innovative work from our 2020 graduates.
morph tower

Utilization of Two and Three Dimensional Computer Aided Design (Paperback)

In order to be prepared for the work force in the fashion industries, learners must have competency in computer use. One advantage to a computer literate designer is that more ideas can be expressed than in hand designing. A theoretical outline for evaluating garment fit based on the use of Computer Aid Design (CAD) pattern making systems has been presented. It provides a review of the state-of-the-art technologies that have been developed to automate the clothing design and pattern making. This includes the concept of body scanning and 3D CAD systems. This system enables the creation of patterns from 3D body data and offers a substitute to manual fitting process through its virtual fitting. This study was undertaken to evaluate garment fit using 2D and 3D CAD pattern systems. Both manual and virtual fitting were conducted and fit criteria established. Because there is no yardstick for evaluating fit, this study adopted three elements of fit; grain, ease and balance. Results from this study confirmed that there is a lot of potential to efficiently evaluate fit by using 2D and 3D CAD pattern systems with modifications. Utilization of Two and Three Dimensional Computer Aided Design (Paperback)

Now days, Computer aided design or CAD software becomes one of the most essential tool for pattern making and related jobs in clothing.

The main theme of this book is the design and production of apparel. Inevitably, most advances in these subjects depend upon computers and, more specifically, computer-aided design (CAD) systems, and so there is a concentration of the applications of these systems. Appar
el production is not necessarily (in fact rarely is) in the same geographical area as the design, the financial control or the markets, therefore the CAD systems are needed as a powerful communication tool to assist speed and accuracy. The book not only illustrates the complexity of the subject and the number of disciplines that have to be understood by the student and the practitioner in the apparel industry today, but also relies upon authors from different countries, which reflects the golbal spread of the industry. These authors have their own perspective and interpretation of advances in apparel production and it is important that students of the subject understand that there is no one right way within such a diverse and dynamic industry.
Kinetic #01 Cuboid Planter – Illuminated – 60 x 18 x 36 (Hospitality)

Overview Anoma specializes in natural stone planters that combines the accuracy of digital fabrication with the humanism of hand craftsmanship to deliver artisanal results. Taking inspiration from natural organic forms such as foliage and corals to exploring parametric and generative computer-aided design and glorifying the traditional art of origami, Anoma explores stone patterns that serve as an architectural and design element bringing together style and function. Powered by constant research and development, investment in the latest technology, and specialized training of artisans and craftsman, Anoma is at the forefront of design and manufacturing in natural stone. Features – Natural stone ideal for indoor or outdoor settings – Waterjet engraving on front side only – Texture and finish has milled striations and is shot blasted – Illuminated waterproof 3000K LED front panel with acrylic diffuser behind carving – Plant liner with a sub irrigation system and fill level indicator Options – Material: Taj White Marble, Crema Limestone, Graphite Grey Granite – Custom sizes, stone forms and finishes are available, cost varies Dimensions InchesW 36 x D 36 x H 36 W 60 x D 12 x H 36 W 18 x D 18 x H 48 CentimetersW 91.44 x D 91.44 x H 91.44 W 152.4 x D 30.48 x H 91.44 W 45.72 x D 45.72 x H 121.92 Shipping \u0026 Returns Lead Time 12-14 Weeks. Please email contactus@juniperhouse.com or call (800) 503-1458 for availability. FOB Gardena, CA Shipping will be billed with the final balance prior to releasing the order.